
skbio.diversity.alpha.lladser_pe(counts, r=10, seed=None)[source]#

Calculate single point estimate of conditional uncovered probability.

counts1-D array_like, int

Vector of counts.

rint, optional

Number of new colors that are required for the next prediction.

seedint, Generator or RandomState, optional

A user-provided random seed or random generator instance. See details.

Added in version 0.6.3.


Single point estimate of the conditional uncovered probability. May be np.nan if a point estimate could not be computed.

See also



This function is just a wrapper around the full point estimator described in Theorem 2 (i) in [1], intended to be called for a single best estimate on a complete sample. This function is not guaranteed to return estimated uncovered probabilities less than 1 if the coverage is too low.



Lladser, Gouet, and Reeder, “Extrapolation of Urn Models via Poissonization: Accurate Measurements of the Microbial Unknown” PLoS 2011.