Utilities for Developers (skbio.util
This package provides general exception/warning definitions used throughout scikit-bio, as well as various utility functionality, including I/O and unit-testing convenience functions.
User configuration utilities#
Configuration options for functional input and output.
Configuration Options (skbio.util.config) |
Get the current value of an skbio config option. |
Set an skbio config option. |
Testing utilities#
Common functionality to support testing in skbio.
Return path to filename |
Assert that ordination results objects are equal. |
NumPy version of testing ordination results. |
Raise AssertionError if |
Plotting utilities#
A plottable object. |
Indicate that a member is being overridden from a specific parent class. |
Decorator for class-level properties. |
Just like classmethod, but it can't be called on an instance. |
Mark a function or a method as deprecated. |
Create an alias for a function or method. |
Register aliases of members of a module or class. |
Create aliases for parameters of a function or method. |
Miscellaneous utilities#
Generally useful functionality that doesn’t fit in more specific locations.
Get a random generator. |
Return ordinal string version of cardinal int n. |
Find duplicate elements in an iterable. |
Compute an md5 sum without loading the file into memory. |