Gradient analyses (skbio.stats.gradient)#

This module provides functionality for performing gradient analyses. The algorithms included in this module mainly allows performing analysis of volatility on time series data, but they can be applied to any data that contains a gradient.


GradientANOVA(coords, prop_expl, metadata_map)

Base class for the Trajectory algorithms.

AverageGradientANOVA(coords, prop_expl, ...)

Perform trajectory analysis using the RMS average algorithm.

TrajectoryGradientANOVA(coords, prop_expl, ...)

Perform trajectory analysis using the RMS trajectory algorithm.

FirstDifferenceGradientANOVA(coords, ...[, ...])

Perform trajectory analysis using the first difference algorithm.

WindowDifferenceGradientANOVA(coords, ...)

Perform trajectory analysis using the modified first difference algorithm.

GroupResults(name, trajectory, mean, info, ...)

Store the trajectory results of a group of a metadata category.

CategoryResults(category, probability, ...)

Store the trajectory results of a metadata category.

GradientANOVAResults(algorithm, weighted, ...)

Store the trajectory results.


Assume we have the following coordinates:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from skbio.stats.gradient import AverageGradientANOVA
>>> coord_data = {'PC.354': np.array([0.2761, -0.0341, 0.0633, 0.1004]),
...               'PC.355': np.array([0.2364, 0.2186, -0.0301, -0.0225]),
...               'PC.356': np.array([0.2208, 0.0874, -0.3519, -0.0031]),
...               'PC.607': np.array([-0.1055, -0.4140, -0.15, -0.116]),
...               'PC.634': np.array([-0.3716, 0.1154, 0.0721, 0.0898])}
>>> coords = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(coord_data, orient='index')

the following metadata map:

>>> metadata_map = {'PC.354': {'Treatment': 'Control', 'Weight': '60'},
...            'PC.355': {'Treatment': 'Control', 'Weight': '55'},
...            'PC.356': {'Treatment': 'Control', 'Weight': '50'},
...            'PC.607': {'Treatment': 'Fast', 'Weight': '65'},
...            'PC.634': {'Treatment': 'Fast', 'Weight': '68'}}
>>> metadata_map = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(metadata_map, orient='index')

and the following array with the proportion explained of each coord:

>>> prop_expl = np.array([25.6216, 15.7715, 14.1215, 11.6913, 9.8304])

Then to compute the average trajectory of this data:

>>> av = AverageGradientANOVA(coords, prop_expl, metadata_map,
...                     trajectory_categories=['Treatment'],
...                     sort_category='Weight')
>>> trajectory_results = av.get_trajectories()

Check the algorithm used to compute the trajectory_results:

>>> print(trajectory_results.algorithm)

Check if we weighted the data or not:

>>> print(trajectory_results.weighted)

Check the results of one of the categories:

>>> print(trajectory_results.categories[0].category)
>>> print(trajectory_results.categories[0].probability)

Check the results of one group of one of the categories:

>>> print(trajectory_results.categories[0].groups[0].name)
>>> print(trajectory_results.categories[0].groups[0].trajectory)
[ 3.52199973  2.29597001  3.20309816]
>>> print(trajectory_results.categories[0].groups[0].info)
{'avg': 3.007022633956606}