
skbio.util.assert_data_frame_almost_equal(left, right, rtol=1e-05)[source]#

Raise AssertionError if pd.DataFrame objects are not “almost equal”.

Wrapper of pd.util.testing.assert_frame_equal. Floating point values are considered “almost equal” if they are within a threshold defined by assert_frame_equal. This wrapper uses a number of checks that are turned off by default in assert_frame_equal in order to perform stricter comparisons (for example, ensuring the index and column types are the same). It also does not consider empty pd.DataFrame objects equal if they have a different index.

Other notes:

  • Index (row) and column ordering must be the same for objects to be equal.

  • NaNs (np.nan) in the same locations are considered equal.

This is a helper function intended to be used in unit tests that need to compare pd.DataFrame objects.

left, rightpd.DataFrame

pd.DataFrame objects to compare.

rtolfloat, optional

The relative tolerance parameter used for comparison. Defaults to 1e-5.


If left and right are not “almost equal”.

See also
