
skbio.tree.gme(dm, allow_edge_estimation=True)[source]#

Perform greedy minimum evolution (GME) for phylogenetic reconstruction.


Input distance matrix containing distances between taxa.

allow_edge_estimationbool, optional

Whether to perform an OLS-based estimation of edge values (True, default) or return a tree without edge values assigned (False).


Reconstructed phylogenetic Tree with estimated edge values (if allow_edge_estimation is True).


Greedy Minimum Evolution (GME) is a distance-based algorithm for phylogenetic reconstruction utilizing the minimum evolution principle for selecting a tree topology with the lowest sum of branch lengths according to a given method of estimating branch lengths. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) is a natural framework for edge estimation as it is statistically consistent with minimum evolution and is used for GME.



Desper R, Gascuel O. Fast and accurate phylogeny reconstruction algorithms based on the minimum-evolution principle. J Comput Biol. 2002;9(5):687-705. doi: 10.1089/106652702761034136. PMID: 12487758.


Define a new distance matrix object describing the distances between five taxa: human, monkey, pig, rat, and chicken.

>>> from skbio import DistanceMatrix
>>> from skbio.tree import gme
>>> dm = DistanceMatrix([[0, 0.02,  0.18,  0.34,  0.55],
...                      [0.02,  0, 0.19, 0.35,  0.55],
...                      [0.18, 0.19,  0,  0.34,  0.54],
...                      [0.34, 0.35,  0.34,  0,  0.62],
...                      [0.55,  0.55,  0.54,  0.62,  0]],
...                      ['human','monkey','pig','rat','chicken'])

Perform Greedy Minimum Evoltuion (GME) and construct the minimum evolution tree representing the relationship between those taxa. This is returned as a TreeNode object.

>>> tree = gme(dm)
>>> print(tree.ascii_art())
-human--- /--------|
                   |          /-pig
                             |          /-chicken

Notice that, unlike neighbor joining, the tree is rooted at a taxa/leaf node. This will allow it to have nearest neighbor interchange performed on it without needing to re-root the tree.