
Sequence.replace(where, character)[source]#

Replace values in this sequence with a different character.

where1D array_like (bool) or iterable (slices or ints) or str

Indicates positions in the sequence to replace with character. Can be a boolean vector, an iterable of indices/slices, or a string that is a key in positional_metadata pointing to a boolean vector.

characterstr or bytes

Character that will replace chosen items in this sequence.


Copy of this sequence, with chosen items replaced with chosen character. All metadata is retained.


Let’s create and display a Sequence:

>>> from skbio import Sequence
>>> sequence = Sequence('GGTACCAACG')
>>> str(sequence)

Let’s call replace on the Sequence using a boolean vector for where and assign it to a new variable:

>>> seq = sequence.replace([False, False, False, True, False, False,
...                         True, True, False, False], '-')

Let’s take a look at the new Sequence:

>>> str(seq)

Other types of input are accepted by the where parameter. Let’s pass in a list of indices and slices that is equivalent to the boolean vector we used previously:

>>> str(seq) == str(sequence.replace([3, slice(6, 8)], '-'))

where also accepts a boolean vector contained in Sequence.positional_metadata:

>>> sequence.positional_metadata = {'where':
...                                 [False, False, False, True, False,
...                                  False, True, True, False, False]}

Let’s pass in the key 'where' and compare to seq:

>>> str(seq) == str(sequence.replace('where', '-'))