
skbio.tree.upgma(dm, weighted=False)[source]#

Perform unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) or its weighted variant (WPGMA) for phylogenetic reconstruction.


The input distance matrix.

weightedbool, optional

If True, WPGMA is performed instead of UPGMA. WPGMA is a variant of UPGMA which is unbiased towards the size of subtrees computed.


A TreeNode object with estimated edge values.

See also



UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean) is a simple hierarchical clustering method that iteratively groups proximal taxa or taxon groups to form a tree structure. A weighted variant is known as WPGMA, and both variants are due to Sokal and Michener [1].

This function wraps SciPy’s linkage function, with the method parameter set as “average” (UPGMA) or “weighted” (WPGMA). It takes a scikit-bio DistanceMatrix object and returns a scikit-bio TreeNode object.

UPGMA creates a rooted and ultrametric tree – all tips will have the same height (distance from the root node).



Sokal, R.R., & Michener, C.D. (1958). A statistical method for evaluating systematic relationships. University of Kansas science bulletin, 38, 1409-1438.


Define a distance matrix object for the taxa a, b, and c.

>>> from skbio import DistanceMatrix
>>> data = [[0, 1, 2],
...         [1, 0, 3],
...         [2, 3, 0]]
>>> ids = list('abc')
>>> dm = DistanceMatrix(data, ids)

Construct a tree using UPGMA.

>>> tree = upgma(dm)
>>> print(tree.ascii_art())
         |          /-a

The tree also has estimated edge values assigned to each edge.

>>> print(tree)